Why Ashtanga Yoga?
Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic style of yoga that synchronises breath, body & movement. We follow a set sequence, using a traditional Sanskrit count. The count provides us with a technique to practise with increased concentration and focus. This deep internal focus allows for a moving meditation.
Whilst the full sequence is dynamic and physically challenging we start off slowly and practise the postures that are appropriate. Slowly over time further postures are added, thus allowing students to practise at a pace that is right for them, right now, but also providing a framework for ebbs & flows to occur.
How Ashtanga is taught?
Traditionally Ashtanga yoga is taught one posture at a time. When a student is comfortable within that posture the next one may be added. This slow, mindful approach gives the student time to learn the sequence (and become self sufficient) but also allows the body and mind time to open and adapt. This approach is called Mysore, named after the city in India where Sri K. Pattabhi Jois lived and who popularised Ashtanga yoga.
Ashtanga is also taught as a counted class, where all the students practise the postures together guided by a teacher. This approach is useful for learning the count, checking your pace & embracing group energy.
What to expect in a Mysore class?
Unlike a regular yoga class, the Mysore room is quiet of voices, yet filled with the rhythmic sound of deep ujjayi breath. Looking around the room you will see both beginner and advanced students absorbed in their practice, working on their portion of the sequence, at their own pace. You won't be alone if you are new, but you may be inspired to see the fruits of a dedicated practice. Teachers quietly move around the room offering one-to-one teachings as required.
Mysore classes are provided by Claire Berghorst of Just Love Yoga. Claire is a senior Ashtanga yoga teacher, one of John Scott’s few 500hr teachers. Claire freely shares her own challenges as well as those useful little tips that she has picked up along her journey.
What is the best way to get started?
This really depends on you! Here are 3 great options:
Come along to a Mysore class and we will teach you the correct breathing, some foundation postures and their sequencing. Expect some repetition as this is the best way to allow learnings to settle. Each week as you gain strength and confidence we will add a few more.
Sign up for our Online Beginners Course. You will learn the fundamental positions, the importance of breath, bandhas (internal locks) and drishti (looking place). Learning is at your own pace and from the comfort of your home. You will complete the course feeling confident and hopefully really excited to start this rewarding journey.
Book an initial private session with Claire.
We have also created an app to assist you with learning the sequence & count.
Download a free Focus 12 & Spinal Stretches PDF here.
Where are your classes?
Chobham Community Centre, MacMahon Close, Chobham, Woking GU24 8NG
Vande Gurunam Charanaravinde
Sandarshita Svatma Sukava Bodhe
Nih Sreyase Jangalikayamane
Samsara Halahala Mohashantyai
Abahu Purushakaram
Shankhacakrsi Dharinam
Sahasra Sirasam Svetam
Pranamami Patanjalim