“Wellness is a holistic integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, fueling the body, engaging the mind, and nurturing the spirit.”
Offering you the best combination of traditional yoga and Chinese acupuncture to achieve your optimal state of wellness!
Wellness might mean different things to each of us, for some it’s simply ‘not being sick’, but for many of us it’s a choice to proactively focus on maximizing our vitality. We adopt attitudes and lifestyles that prevent disease, improve health, and enhance our quality of life and sense of well-being.
Yoga has the ability to support our wellness through various channels, specifically:
The physical postures help us to stay physically strong and flexible. This allows us to move through day-today life with grace, ease and a sense of poise.
Once you’ve been practising for a while you start to notice changes. You notice a change in yourself and more specifically how you deal with different situations. You’ll hear yogi’s say that their mat is a reflection of their world. Things come up, and we get to deal with it in the microcosm of our mats.
This will mean something different to each of us, but let’s say ‘a sense of purpose’. We aspire to this, through our consistent effort to achieve stillness in mind; through the physical postures, breathing exercises, concentration and meditation.
“Acupuncture complements our yoga practice to further enhance the body’s healing process.”
Traditional Chinese Medicine is well known to support our wellness, specifically:
Pain relief:
Inflammation from injuries, illnesses, and conditions like fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and migraines.
improved mental health
Insomnia and anxiety
supporting womens health
Fertility, Menopause, Endometriosis, PCOS
autoimmune disorders
digestive disorders
Obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis and back pain,
Contact Claire today to book a FREE ONLINE CONSULTATION.
I am able to offer my clients both Acupuncture & Yoga. Both practices can be done regulary as a way of maintaining and incrementally improving health & wellness.
I offer both practices from my home in Horsell, Woking. Individual sessions may be booked, or block bookings.
Contact me today for your free 10 minute online consultation.